But what I find myself wondering most is how he feels now that he's clearly 'won' his grudge against Drake.
I've always evaluated judges according to their justification. Are they warranted, maybe even appropriate? I no longer think that matters all that much.
Michael Oher is (understandably) angry over "The Blind Side." I'm not sure a lawsuit will help.
The author of "The Blind Side" is surprisingly ignorant about the book's subject.
It sure can. It's just not called a grudge any more.
I thought I was going to settle my biggest grudge. Turns out, I was just getting started..
Read this before you judge the comedian's 30-year grudge against "Saturday Night Live."
This week's newsletter looks at spite houses, buildings constructed with a grudge as the foundation.
At least it hasn't been for me. I've found that acting on the anger I feel tends to make me feel worse.
I know it when I feel it or when I see Jose Mesa insist on throwing baseballs at Omar Vizquel.
From friends to foes as Jose Mesa never did accept that apology.
Perhaps my tendency to focus on the bad things that have happened to me isn't as much a personal failing as I thought.